
In the first phase, the project involves rebuilding the pavement under the canopy. Under the canopy, existing islands are dismantled and new islands are designed for newly designed control pavilions. A new road construction is planned at the site where the existing in-depth control building will be dismantled, at the newly designed in-depth control building, in areas where the carriageway is being straightened. Behind the control pavilions part of the territory of Latvia is planned to be milled the existing asphalt pavement and to apply a new layer of wear.
A sidewalk section is being constructed to connect the advanced control building and the border control post.
A trolley carriageway for accessibility to the main border control building and control pavilion islands is provided.
The project involves dismantling the existing in-depth control building.
Water supply and sewerage
Intended to install KLARO SBR 10 biological treatment plants with a capacity of 10m3 / dnn.
Electronic communication networks, external networks (EST)
To ensure the construction of telecommunications, fire, security and video surveillance systems in the project. in-depth control building, proj. control pavilions and under expandable awnings, the external communications network construction project will use existing “Lattelecom” telecommunications cable sewerage, build new cable sewerage sections, switch / move parts of telecommunications network cables, dismantle existing cable sewerage sections.
It is also planned to build security and perimeter video surveillance systems for the entire RHC perimeter for the needs of the SBG outside Stage I; For the needs of the VRS, to construct in parallel with the optical backbone network between the new VRS communications cabinet and the VMOHBU-KS 10x2x0,5 Container Telephony Cable of the Information Center of the Information Center of the Ministry of the Interior “MOTOROLA” and the SM 16 optical fiber cable; rebuild the radiation gate on the incoming side.
Power supply, external networks (subscriber networks), lighting (ELT).
Outside the first phase of the building design, the ELT section will include reconstruction of the existing TP-9158, site lighting, and modernization of the radiation control gate power supply.
Heat supply, external networks (SAT)
It is planned to connect the planned advanced control building, Terehova border control point to the existing heat supply external networks.
Power Supply (EL)
Electricity Supply, Internal Networks (EL) Project Phase I of the design phase of the project includes: all new buildings (advanced control building (PKE), control pavilions (KP)) new wiring (power electrical and lighting network); a new lightning protection and earthing system for the Advanced Control Building; modernization and extension of the lightning protection and earthing system (above control pavilions); modernization of the lightning protection and earthing system of the boiler house building, power supply equipment and lighting network; reconstruction of main electricity distribution; UPS equipment installation.
Electronic Communications Systems (ESS)
Within the framework of the Project I security and access control system project it is planned to build a unified system, which is separated by belonging zones at the controller level: each User has its own security / access control module with connected devices, with different user rights. The total control of the system will be performed in the security office at the administrative building with the help of a computer, which will store all events with the possibility of remote control.
Construct an alarm system to ensure that an unauthorized access, indoors or bullying (eg, broken glass) alarm signal is transmitted to the Object Guard.
Control and Automation Systems (VAS)
It is planned to install control and automation (hereinafter VAS) switchboard in the construction project, which will provide control and control of external lighting. The VAS switchboard is equipped with a modular, freely programmable logic controller with the required number of input and output signals, secure switching peripherals and support for Modbus TCP / IP / RTU communication protocols.