About us
REM PRO was incorporated in 2007.
Over a short period of time, the company was able to consolidate its positions on the Latvian engineering and technical service market and become one of the leaders in the domain of architecture, design and construction management across the Baltic States.
Today, REM PRO maintains solid presence on the global design and construction market, being represented in 18 countries.
The company’s project portfolio consists of over 1000 successfully implemented projects, including such major sites as the Rezekne Olympic Centre, the Saules Design and Arts School in Daugavpils, a prison in Liepaja, the Amber Coast & Sea Apartment Hotel in Jurmala, the Palazzo Shopping Mall, a residential block, and many more.

Our values
At REM PRO, we believe that design is something far more than plotting an engineering idea on a sheet of paper. We are strongly convinced that our efforts help make this world a better place, ensure investment into the future and implementation of the most ambitious and awesome ideas.
Designing the future – this is what we believe in, what gives us the inspiration to build and create.
Our team of highly qualified architects, design engineers, mechanical engineers, and other experts, is working every day to turn the most technically complex concepts into reality.

From ruins to gold: the renovation project of Daugavpils Fortress won the “Architecture — Rebirth Project” nomination in the international architecture award TITAN
We're thrilled to share some exciting news for the Daugavpils and Latvia people. REM PRO's project of the Daugavpils Fortress has been awarded the "Gold” nomination in the first season of the TITAN 2023 awards, turning the ruins into an award-winning international architectural legacy.
The renovation of the Engineering Arsenal, Gunpowder Warehouse, and the 7th Bastion at the Daugavpils Fortress has been recognized by the International Awards Associate (IAA) and TITAN Property Awards among 1,800 entries from 30 countries, including the USA, the Philippines, China, Mexico, Spain, Singapore, and the UK.
The exceptional leaders in architecture have recognized how the Fortress has been given a new lease of life and preserved its history in new contexts thanks to the renovation. The TITAN Property Awards program annually recognizes the highest achievements in architecture, real estate development, interior and landscape design, with a special focus on project ergonomics, innovation, originality, and sustainability.
Thomas Brandt, the IAA representative, commented, "We are pleased to honor the exceptional TITAN Property Awards winners, whose innovative and dynamic contributions have set a new benchmark for excellence in the industry".

REM PRO was honored with the Grand Prix and received two nominations in the “Latvijas Būvniecības Gada balva 2022” architecture award
On March 7, 2023, an annual award recognized the best architecture and construction projects in Latvia from the past year in ten categories. It's thrilling to share that three of REM PRO's projects received awards out of the six that registered for the competition. Here is our list of pride:
The grand prize was awarded to REM PRO project “Engineering Arsenal of the Daugavpils Fortress“
The REM PRO team developed the reconstruction project, while the LAGRON company implemented all construction works. By the beginning of the project in 2016, the building was in critical condition, abandoned and semi-destroyed. We restored the building's facades, decor, and roof to their original versions with great care. The exhibition halls received raised floors, and engineering networks were installed without interfering with the original brickwork. The courtyard was a treasure trove of history, with ancient cobblestones that had once marked the path of carriages. After being photographed by a drone, they were restored to their original appearance. Finally, the team created a comfortable inclusive environment for all visitors, both inside and outside the building.
“Powder Magazine and 7th Bastion of the Daugavpils Fortress“ received second place in the “Restoration“ category
Both structures of the Daugavpils Fortress have been restored to their historical appearance. The Gunpowder Warehouse has been transformed into a permanent exhibition space for local ceramist Peteris Martinsons, as well as for temporary exhibitions. Also, the 7th Bastion structures have been reinforced for safe visitor walks and to ensure the durability of this iconic landmark of the city.
“Promenade of the Daugavpils Fortress“ took third place in the “Territory Improvement“ category
The well-equipped embankment stretches for almost a kilometer, from the railroad bridge to the former football stadium. This pedestrian relaxation area is a comfortable and picturesque addition to the existing infrastructure along the Daugava River, and is an integral part of the tourist complex of the Daugavpils Fortress.
Recognition by the professional community confirms that REM PRO architecture company is constantly developing its competencies and talent. Our team creates not only top-notch projects with remarkable architecture, but also landmarks for the entire country.

REM PRO is going to compete for Dezeen Awards 2022
REM PRO is going to apply its project "Restoration of the Daugavpils Engineering Arsenal" as an entry for Dezeen Awards 2022. The project will be applied in multiple categories at once: "Cultural Building" and "Revival Project".
Our team has brought an architectural heritage structure, dating back to the first half of the 19th century, back to life. Masterful reconstruction and restoration of the building emphasise its authenticity, creating a unique atmosphere where history is intertwined with cutting-edge design and environment accessibility. Today, the Engineering Arsenal is adapted to house the expositions of the Technical and Industrial Heritage Centre.
Dezeen Awards is an annual prize awarded for the world's best architecture, interiors and design, as well as to studios and individual architects and designers creating the most outstanding projects.

REM PRO celebrates its 15th anniversary
Over the 15 years of work, we have implemented over 1000 architectural ideas and solutions.
Honouring our corporate traditions and pursuing our drive towards continuous improvement, we have contributed to civil construction in 10 different countries.
We take pride in our achievements and keep setting new goals.
We would like to thank all customers and business partners who have been by our side through all these years.

Rezekne Olympic Centre qualifies for the final of MIPIM Awards 2021
One of our sites, the “Rezekne Olympic Sports Centre”, is among the 4 finalists of the international MIPIM Awards in teh category "Best Cultural and Sports Infrastructure".
Rezekne Olympic Centre is a multifunctional sports complex of over 57 thousand square metres in area, comprised of 4 large facilities. These are a football field with spectator stands, the Restart Hotel, an open-air swimming pool and a multifunctional arena building. Indoor facilities include an ice arena for winter sports, a universal sports ground for volleyball, handball and basketball, a gym, a group fitness hall and a SPA area.
MIPIM Awards is held within the boundaries of MIPIM, the largest international symposium in the industry of commercial properties and urban development, held annually in Cannes, France. Over the years, projects such as the Dubai Burj Khalifa – the world's tallest building, Santiago Calatrava's Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro, the National Museum of Qatar in Doha, "Green Heart" Marina One and many more prominent projects contended in the finals of MIPIM Awards.
Architect Ilze Ratniece took part in an online conference
Ilze Ratniece, our company's architect, participated in the online conference "Challenges of Industrial Construction in 2021 – Ambitious Projects".
She told the audience about the peculiar challenges encountered during reconstruction of the Daugavpils Engineering Arsenal, interesting findings and artefacts. Get to know more about this grand ambitious project here. Also see our article on the Engineering Arsenal.

Ilmārs Kalpišs has been awarded the title of “Young Specialist 2021”
On the 11th of March, an award ceremony was held to salute the winners of "Latvian Annual Construction Award 2021" and the "Latvian Engineer of the Year in Construction 2021". Ilmārs Kalpišs, project coordinator at REM PRO, has been awarded the title of "Young Specialist 2021".
Apart from that, Inese Vaidere, a member of the European Parliament, honoured REM PRO with a special prize for the design of a new façade for the Forest Faculty building of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies in Jelgava.
REM PRO has made a contract with the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia
On November 24th, 2017, “REM PRO” Ltd. signed the contract with the association “Employers Confederation of Latvia” on the implementation of the European Social Fund project No. “The participation of students from professional educational institutions in trainings at working environment and practical training’s provided by companies”.
The objective of the project is to increase the number of qualified students in professional educational institutions by their participation in trainings based on working environment or in practical training’s in the company.

Mobilization of innovative design tools for refurbishing of buildings at district level
On September 2015, “REM PRO” Ltd. As one of the partners signed the contract No. 680447 – MODER – H2020-EeB-2014-2015/H2020-EeB-2015 with the European Union, represented by the European Commission on the implementation of the project “Mobilization of innovative design tools for refurbishing of buildings at district level” with the support of the European Union.
The primary objective of the project is to supplement the experience of engineering companies, energy managers and consultants for the purpose of supporting building renovation works at the municipal and private levels in Europe and worldwide. The project is going to involve the development, demonstration and mobilization of design facilities, processes and business models pertaining to renovation at building and district levels.

REM PRO Ltd. external marketing activities of individual visits in 2015
On July 09th, 2015, “REM PRO” Ltd. executed the contract No. L-ĀTA-15-3047 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on the implementation of the project “REM PRO Ltd. external marketing activities of individual visits in 2015” with the support of the European Regional Development Fund.

REM PRO took part in the MIPIM 2015 international property event in France
On June 27th, 2015, “REM PRO” Ltd. executed the contract No. L-ĀTA-15 2967 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on the implementation of the project “REM PRO Ltd. participation in international exhibition “MIPIM – 2015″ in France” with the support of the European Regional Development

REM PRO took part in the international Mosbuild-2014 expo
On July 23th, 2014, “REM PRO” Ltd. executed the contract –.L-Ā€TA-14-2275 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on the implementation of the project “REM PRO Ltd. participation in international exhibition “Mosbuild-2014″” with the support of the European Regional Development Fund.

REM PRO Ltd. participation in international exhibition MIPIM 2014 in France
On June 02th, 2014, “REM PRO” Ltd. executed the contract –.L-ĀTA-14-2148 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on the implementation of the project “REM PRO Ltd. participation in international exhibition “MIPIM 2014″ in France” with the support of the European Regional Development Fund.

We have improved the qualification of our employees
“REM PRO” Ltd. In 2013 in cooperation with Light Industry business associations and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia raised the qualification of the employees in accordance with the project contract No. L-APA-10-0018.

REM PRO participation in international exhibition MIPIM 2013 in France
On June 19th, 2013, “REM PRO” Ltd. executed the contract –.L-ĀTA-13-1512 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on the implementation of the project “REM PRO Ltd. participation in international exhibition “MIPIM 2013″ in France” with the support of the European Regional Development Fund.

REM PRO has made a contract with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development
2013.g.16. janvārī starp Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministriju, SIA „ Vides investīciju fonds” un SIA “REM PRO” tika parakstīts līgums par Klimata pārmaiņu finanšu instrumenta (KPFI) līdzfinansēta projekta Nr. KPFI-15.1/93 īstenošanu. Projekts „Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanas pasākumi SIA “REM PRO” piederošā ēkā 18. Novembra ielā 37A, Daugavpilī atbilstoši energoefektivitātes un ilgtspējīgas projektēšanas un būvniecības prasībām un atbilstoši augstiem energoefektivitātes standartiem un izmantojot videi draudzīgus būvniecības materiālus un izstrādājumus” pabeigts 2013.gadā.
Projekta laikā tika īstenotas sekojošas galvenās aktivitātes:
1. Energoefektivitāti paaugstinošu rekonstrukcijas un renovācijas darbu veikšana, kas ietver: Ieguldījumu veikšana vides aizsardzībā – ražošanas ēkas energoefektivitāti paaugstinošu rekonstrukcijas un vienkāršotās renovācijas darbu, kā arī iekārtu un sistēmu efektīvai siltuma primārai un otrreizējai izmantošanai nodrošināšana, kas ietver:
- ārsienu siltināšana;
- cokola siltināšana, lietus apmales izbūve;
- esošā jumta demontāža, jaunas jumta konstrukcijas izbūve ar jaunu segumu, jumta siltināšana;
- veco logu un ārdurvju nomaiņa ar selektīvā stikla pakešu logu blokiem un ārdurvīm, logu uzstādīšana siltinājuma zonā;
- grīdas siltināšanu;
- piespiedu ventilācijas izbūve ar rekuperācijas sistēmu;
- energoefektīvu apkures radiatoru uzstādīšana ar termoregulatoriem un pieslēgšana apkures sistēmai;
- divcauruļu apkures sistēmas izbūve;
- karstā ūdens piegādes sisēmas izbūve;
- biomasas granulu katla iegāde, piegāde un uzstādīšana, dūmgāzu novadīšanas sistēmas izbūve, karstā ūdens tvertnes uzstādīšana, caurules, armatūras, katlu telpas ventilāciju uzstādīšana.
2. Ieguldījumu veikšana atjaunojamo energoresursu izmantošanai;
3. Trešā stāva būvniecība;
4. Projekta īstenošanas būvuzraudzība un autoruzraudzība;
5. Publicitātes pasākumu nodrošināšana;
6. Projekta uzraudzība.
Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks panākts CO2 emisijas samazinājuma efektivitātes rādītājs vismaz 0,63 kg CO2/Ls. Projekta kopējās izmaksas LVL 720,909.21, 65% no attiecināmajām izmaksām finansē KPFI, t.i., LVL 181,661.41. SIA “REM PRO” līdzfinansējums 35% no attiecināmajām izmaksām: LVL 97,817.68 un LVL 441,430.12 neattiecināmās izmaksas.

REM PRO took part in MIPIM 2010, Europe’s largest property event
From March 16th, 2010 to March 19th, 2010 the “REM PRO” Ltd. company, in cooperation with the State Agency for Investment and Development (agreement No. L-ĀTA-10-0344), has been participating in the Europe’s grandest exhibition “MIPIM 2010″ in Cannes, France, as a part of the “External market development support” program. MIPIM is a major investment forum of great authority.
Participation in the MIPIM exhibition is not just a considerable boost to the company’s activities, but also a prominent economic and social effort, as it benefits the company’s expansion to the external markets along with maintaining employment for over 40 experts working with “REM PRO” Ltd. in the Latgale region. The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

When was REM PRO founded?
REM PRO was incorporated in 2007.
Where is the office of REM PRO?
REM PRO’s offices are situated in Riga, Daugavpils.
Which services does REM PRO offer?
We operate in the industry of design, construction management and engineering services for all sorts of buildings and structures.
What countries does REM PRO operate in?
Today, REM PRO is represented on the architecture and design market in 10 of world’s countries.
How large is the staff of REM PRO?
As of today, our team is comprised of over 200 highly qualified employees.
How many projects did the company complete since its emergence on the market?
The company’s portfolio consists of over 1000 successfully implemented projects.
How can I contact REM PRO?
Feel free to contact us by any means you find convenient. Riga office: Phone/fax: +371 27719555 E-mail: riga@rem.lv
Daugavpils office: Phone/fax: + 371 654 21398 E-mail: info@rem.lv
How can I get hired at REM PRO?
Call us on +371 2991472 or +371 24113699, or e-mail us at cv@rem.lv, and we will be glad to tell you about the current vacancies at our company. You can also see the list of vacancies here.
Can I do my internship with REM PRO?
Sure. For details on internship opportunities, please call +371 25168686, +37124113699 or e-mail us at prakse@rem.lv.